1. Ron L .“I am an entrepreneur that has finally made it into the life of success. I have a very busy schedule and am non stop all day. Before testosterone therapy, during the day I felt very useless , my mind was very cloudy, and was tired all the time. These side effects of low testosterone cost me not only my happiness but added revenue for my pocket. Within weeks starting testosterone, my mind immediately felt better and had more focus to attain my goals for my company. I can actually now do 8-10 hour days of running my company and at the end of the 10 hour day I have greater motivation to get to the gym. TRT has made me more successful and happier. Oh yea, it gives me enough energy as well to keep up with my 15 year old son, who is an athlete and loves to train with me . This has brought me closer to my son, I love testosterone!”


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