Omnitrope pen and prescribing information

Omnitrope is a man-made hormone that stimulates growth and cell reproduction and regeneration in human beings. It is typically prescribed to children who have been diagnosed as having growth hormone deficiency. It may also be used to treat other children’s and adult’s growth disorders. In adults, Omnitrope can be used to increase vitality. Omnitrope is only legally available from pharmacies and only with a doctor’s prescription.

Omnitrope is a medicine that contains an active chemical hormone known as somatropin. It is usually available as a powder or a solvent, and is introduced into the body via an injection. Treatment should be both prescribed and supervised by a doctor who has experience in the recognition of growth disorders. The administration of Omnitrope is usually undertaken once a day, and usually just before the patient is going to sleep for the night, as it is when the patient is naturally unconscious that the treatment is most effective. A patient or care-giver is usually left to administer the injections themselves once they have been trained to do so by a doctor or a nurse.

Omnitrope works by replacing or adding to the amount of growth hormone that is naturally secreted by the pituitary gland, which is a small gland at the base of the brain. This gland is responsible for promoting growth and development, particularly during childhood and adolescence. Somatropin, which is the active substance within Omnitrope, is identical to human growth hormone. Omnitrope is simply a replacement for the natural growth hormone. In clinical trials and by monitoring its use by many patients, Omnitrope has been shown to be very effective at producing accelerated growth in children who suffer from growth hormone deficiency. Typically, in as little as a nine-month period of use, the amount of growth in a child averages around a rate of four inches a year.

There is a slight chance of side effects with Omnitrope, the main one being reaction by the skin to the repeated injections. For this reason, it is important to establish a rota regarding the areas of the body in which Omnitrope is injected. Omnitrope can be injected around the navel, in the front of the thighs and beneath the small of a person’s back.

Omnitrope is also prescribed to adults who suffer from adult-onset growth deficiency disorder. The side effects that may be experienced by an adult using Omnitrope include fluid accumulation, numbness, joint and muscle pain, and limb stiffness.

None of the side-effects associated with Omnitrope have been shown to inhibit muscle and bone growth.

Omnitrope should not be prescribed to people who typically exhibit an allergic reaction to somatropin or the solution in which the powdered form of somatropin is administered (typically benzyl alcohol). Omitrope should also not be used when the patient has an active tumor or any other description of life-threatening illness.

Somatropin may also interfere with the body’s supply of insulin, and therefore its use should be carefully considered in patients whom have diabetes or some other illness that affects their blood sugar level.


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