
Testosterone is a hormone that plays an important role in your body. It helps you build muscle and strength, it increases energy and libido, and it even helps your bones stay strong. If you’ve been diagnosed with diabetes or prediabetes, however, it’s important to keep tabs on your testosterone levels as well. While low testosterone doesn’t always signal diabetes risk, there are several ways these conditions are related (and vice versa). You may want to talk to your doctor about monitoring your testosterone if you have T2D or another type of metabolic syndrome.

Low testosterone and T2D risk

There is evidence that low testosterone is a risk factor for diabetes. A study reported in the journal Diabetes Care found that men with low T had a greater risk of developing type 2 diabetes than men with normal levels. If you have one or more risk factors for type 2 diabetes, such as being overweight or obese, having a family history of the disease and/or being African American or Latino/Latina, it’s important to be aware that your risk may be higher than average.

Research shows that some people who have low testosterone may also experience erectile dysfunction (ED) and loss of libido. This can make it difficult for them to have sex—and if they do manage to get an erection during sex, it won’t last as long as it could otherwise—but there are ways to treat these issues if they arise due to low testosterone levels. People who are trying to conceive with their partner should talk with their doctor about whether this issue might be affecting them so they can take steps toward getting pregnant sooner rather than later!

Testosterone therapy for prevention and reversal of type 2 diabetes in men  with low testosterone - ScienceDirect

How diabetes may affect testosterone

Diabetes can cause a condition called hypogonadism, which is when the body doesn’t produce enough testosterone. This in turn causes erectile dysfunction, low libido and fatigue.

Diabetes can also affect testosterone levels by increasing insulin resistance. The more insulin resistant you are (meaning your body produces more insulin than it needs), the less sensitive you become to it—in other words: if your body produces too much of this hormone, it becomes harder for your cells to use it correctly.

Treatment and prevention of low testosterone

There are a few options for treating low testosterone, including:

  • Testosterone replacement therapy. This is the most common option and involves taking supplemental testosterone directly. It’s usually administered via injection or gel, but can also be delivered through an implant that releases the hormone over time.
  • Lifestyle changes. These include exercise, weight loss when needed (especially if you’re overweight), and quitting smoking if you smoke.
  • Dietary changes to reduce insulin resistance and improve glucose control include eating more fruits and vegetables as well as whole grains and legumes; avoiding trans fats; limiting saturated fat; limiting alcohol intake; reducing salt intake; eating small frequent meals rather than fewer big ones; reducing stress levels by exercising regularly or meditating (among other measures).

You can have your testosterone monitored if you have diabetes and talk to your doctor about your options.

If you have diabetes and low testosterone, there are some steps that you can take to help improve your health. The first step is to have your testosterone levels checked by a doctor. You can do this by going to the doctor’s office or ordering a test yourself.

If you’re diagnosed with low testosterone, your doctor will work with you to determine whether taking medication is right for you. If so, they may prescribe testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). If not, they may recommend lifestyle changes such as losing weight and exercising more often

You should also talk with your doctor about any other conditions or behaviors that can affect blood sugar levels like dieting, using tobacco products—including cigarettes—and drinking alcohol excessively .


If you’re a man with diabetes and low testosterone, there are many options for treatment. You can also take steps to prevent this from happening in the first place by monitoring your blood sugar levels and engaging in healthy lifestyle habits like exercise and eating well.


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